“Blessed is anyone who endures temptation. Such a one has stood the test and will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12
Spiritual Walk and Musings: Letting God into our boring bits.
Perhaps it would be better for us to let God into our everyday normal lives, into all we do including the boring bits. Yep, including the boring stuff that we think God would not be interested in. Where we think the action is so mundane and straightforward no faith in God is required for that part of our life. I say this because if we practice the presence of God with us at all times, if we could be aware of God’s friendship with us in normal everyday life; then, when the mud hits the fan we would be aware of God still being with us in that particular difficult time.
It would be natural to talk to him, and not some “freaking out” time of uncertainty, hoping like crazy God..."might listen....but...I'm not really sure".
If we learn to be aware of God’s presence in the normal, it will be normal for God’s presence to be with us in the un-normal. Then we could pass the test and receive the crown.
God Bless, Jon.
To Ponder and Pray: A quote by Brother Lawrence (c. 1614 – 12 February 1691)