a verse or two
“God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.” Ps 51:10 (the Message)
Spiritual Walk and Musings: Taking that wall out.
Something I’m musing on is……often when folk move into a new house renovations become order of the day. And somewhere in our mind (either conscious or subconscious) is the thought ‘how did the previous owners put up with it the way it was’, or ‘why didn’t they do such- n- such’. Of course one reason could be purely financial, but there is another reason. The thing is, when we have lived in a place for a while, we lose a certain amount of objectivity on how things are. Subjectivity takes over and it seems to us things are as they are and that is OK. And so, it takes a good friend to visit, someone outside of ourselves (someone objective) to come along, and ask ‘have you ever thought of taking that wall out’.
And then there are the discoveries. We all have heard stories of people who have discovered beautiful floor boards under carpets while renovating. And the deeper they go, the more they discover the beauty of what the builder originally intended.
Lent is a time to let our good objective friend Christ wander along and suggest that perhaps, in our heart, a wall or two needs to come out. Let him renew the old hot water cylinder in the very depth of your being so as to warm your very soul. Ask the great keeper of the heart to strip back the carpets to reveal the beautiful floor boards of our hearts – let Him polish and oil them. King David prayed “Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” (Ps 51:7). Allow the builder to restore your soul to what He originally intended.
Something to do: Heart inspection.
God bless you all, I love you. Jon.
To Ponder and Pray: A prayer of the Church of South India.