Wednesday, September 7, 2011


a verse or two

"I’m not saying this because I’m in any need. I’ve learned to be content in whatever situation I’m in. I know how to live in poverty or prosperity. No matter what the situation, I’ve learned the secret of how to live when I’m full or when I’m hungry, when I have too much or when I have too little." Philippians 4:11-12

Spiritual Walk and Musings: Divorce.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about divorce this week. Ummm ….. things between Vivienne and I are fine although we do have our moments…normally my fault. Actually I’ve been pondering divorce because in Mark chapter 10, the section where Jesus is questioned about divorce seemed to be the hardest part to preach on. Hence today’s sermon and the following articles are around the theme of divorce.

I wonder if one of the hardest long term things about the death of a spouse is loneliness in the evening. And I wonder how many individuals within a current marriage are in fact lonely in the evening for various reasons (explore those reasons). And I wonder then if in that loneliness, one might start looking at grass on the other side of the fence (and yet when they get to the other side of the fence they realise it wasn’t that green). Let us learn to be like Paul who was content in all things (Phil 4:11 – 12). Those of us who have our partner still with us, spoil them rotten with your love – romance and all – don’t take them for granted. And for those of us who are alone and lonely during the evening – remember – one is never too old to get married.

Something to do: Go on a date.

Flowers, chocolate, candlelight, soft music and why not some poetry from the Songs of Songs………

To Ponder and Pray: A prayer for the lonely.

Lord, we stop to think of those who for various reasons cannot go out on a date. In their loneliness, be with them; may your spirit be a balm that heals. May you be Christ the friend in a time of need; and during that lonely season……Lord…...may your presence be felt. Amen.

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