a verse or two
"Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me " Matthew 25:40
We’ve all heard people around us take stock of the global suffering and ask: “Where is God in the midst of this pain?”Certainly many refugees would be asking this question. Perhaps God is speaking a direct response to that question in Matthew chapter twenty-five? God's plan for justice, mercy and compassion is “just us”. It is us who are called to help feed the poor. It is us who are called to help heal the sick, to make time for the lonely, to show hospitality to the stranger, to advocate for the downtrodden. None of these things are always easy, it can get messy, it can be inconvenient, it might never end – but in serving the least of these we are serving Christ.
To Pray and Ponder: The Refugee Prayer [by Faith Asylum Refuge]
we, people of faith and people from various walks of life,
have known you through your various channels
as the One who provides
food for the hungry, clothes for the naked,
shelter for the unsheltered, home for the homeless,
freedom for the oppressed, respect for the unrespected
and dignity for the downtrodden.
We pray to you to give us the courage
to employ ourselves to be of help and support
to all refugees and asylum seekers who are suffering
because of terror and turmoil in various parts of the world
O Lord,
we pray to you that through your grace
we are encouraged to honour this commitment
which we share for the world.
God Bless, Jon