a verse or two:
1When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Acts 2:1-2
Spiritual Walk and Musings:
Tuhoe Isaac was once a notorious Mongrel Mob gang boss. In his book ‘True Red’, he tells of his journey from the brutal world of the gang to a meeting with and commitment to the living Christ. The person who counselled him then encouraged him to find a church where he could be nurtured in this new and very different life. Tuhoe confesses that he lasted but a short time in what now knows was a great church with really caring people. However, at the time, church (and church people) was such a foreign territory that he longed for and soon returned to the gang scene. How his story ends I leave unsaid.
Tuhoe’s difficulty illustrates an important dilemma—that many who find the person of Jesus, and therefore his call, to be truly attractive find this same difficulty doing church with us.
Last week Jon posed the question ‘Why is it that the so called “riff-raff "sought Jesus’ company and the so-called “respectable” shunned him, whereas today the opposite appears to be the case?’ Some good responses came from the congregation, but look at it this way: Tuhoe Isaac's story does tell us that Jesus’ appeal to the less- than - respectable is as real today as 2000 years ago, if only that appeal can be presented by us in clear and winning ways. Church may not be appealing, but Jesus remains so, which reminds me, he is never recorded as saying “come to the synagogue”, but he did often say “follow me”.
Jon has earlier said that sitting in the mall with a coffee brings us in close proximity to untold numbers of passers by. To each a whispered blessing can be imparted “God loves you”, to which we can now add “and Jesus says ‘follow me’”.
To Pray and Ponder: A prayer A prayer from Sri Lanka.
and brings out their flavour,
so may your Spirit fall on us and renew us
so that we may bring refreshment and joy to others.”
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