Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Need for labourers

a verse or two

"...then [Jesus] said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest. Matthew 9:35-38 (NRSV).

Spiritual Walk and Musings: The Need for labourers.

Sheep without a shepherd behave in a curious way. They follow a 'leader' from among themselves in what appears to be an orderly and purposeful way. The only snag is that their leader does not know which way to go and is as likely to lead them to disaster as to security. Do you ever think of Jesus' description of his society as 'harassed and helpless' when looking at our own. How did we get to a state where we take moral advice from a runner-up on Big Brother, or emotional advice from an astrologer on the back page of a TV guide? G K Chesterton, the 20th century novelist, wrote: 'When people stop believing in God, they do not come to believe in nothing; they start believing in anything.' 

Meanwhile intractable problems - injustice, illness, violence, pollution - continue to blight our world out of sight (or perhaps out of mind). No wonder Jesus urged us to pray for people who will approach this world with the priorities of God, the 'Lord of the harvest'. He was looking for people who would engage with the world's needs not with the attitude of a leader, but with the attitude of a labourer. That is what distinguishes the way a celebrity operates from the way a mission worker operates. And it applies whether you find yourself in a school, in an office, in the National Health Service, or in a developing world country. 

Can you see yourself as a 'labourer in the harvest'? Why not chat with other St. David’s folk and suss what kind of work can be done in the interests of Richmond’s (and beyond) poorest people. Why not consider the opportunities by visiting local volunteer organisations. Also, the PCANZ Global Mission Office help NZ church groups visit 3rd world churches to help and encourage them – why not bite the bullet and go? If you left Richmond at 6am you could be in a remote 3rd world village by 6pm that same day. [adapted from]

To Pray and Ponder: Pray for mission workers 

Send people who are passionate, O Lord, 
to right what is unjust, 
until your kingdom come; 
Send people who are compassionate, O Lord, 
to stand alongside those who are in pain, 
until your will is done; 
Send people who are humble, O Lord, 
to make known the Saviour, 
until the world is won. Amen.

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