Thursday, February 18, 2010

an upside down kingdom

a verse or two

“Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: `Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’ ” Matthew 4:10 

Spiritual Walk and Musings: The Kingdom of God is an upside down kingdom.

This week at Presbytery the moderator explored Jesus’ temptations in the desert. How after forty days of fasting and being alone the devil then temped him. What is interesting is each time Jesus responded, he gave a kingdom of God like answer. 

Jesus was staving and he was tempted to turn stones into bread, his ministry could be simply a popular social worker by satisfying the physical needs of the crowd. Yet we live by more than bread alone and hence the Kingdom of God is wider than social work.

Jesus was taken high on the temple, he could have put on display a great miracle by being saved when falling down. Hence he could have wowed the crowds proving to be a famous wonder miracle worker. Yet Jesus didn't limit the Kingdom of God to only supernatural things or by giving himself credit. The kingdom of God includes humility, restraint, common sense and trust in God's ways – Jesus was supernaturally natural and naturally supernatural. 

Finally Satan tempted Jesus with rule over the world – Jesus was tempted as to which way to follow. God's way or Satan's way – do the ends justify the means? Power and authority verses the way of the servant. Jesus chose the way of the servant. The kingdom of God chooses the way of the servant – it is completely back to front and upside down to the world's way of seeing things.

To Ponder and Pray: A servant prayer.

“Speak Lord, for your servant hears. Grant me ears to hear, eyes to see, a will to obey, a heart to love. Then declare what you will, reveal what you will, command what you will, demand what you will.”

Christina Rossetti (1830-1894

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