" 6 Jesus answered them, “How right Isaiah was when he prophesied about you! You are hypocrites, just as he wrote: These people, says God, honour me with their words, but their heart is really far away from me. 7 It is no use for them to worship me, because they teach human rules as though they were my laws! Mark 7: 6 - 7
Spiritual Walk and Musings: Traditions and Commandments.
A question I ask is: how do we do that kind of thing at the moment? How are we pushing religious traditions / concepts that in fact hinder the betterment of people and society? One idea could be when we claim Jesus is coming back really, really, really, really soon, instead of just plain old ‘soon’. I say this because it can be used as an excuse to not get involved and think hard on societal issues. Instead there a temptation to bury one’s head in the sand hoping Jesus will appear and solve the problems magically, when what He really wants is for us to take the Kingdom into that situation. God’s wisdom is for all parts of life.
Another idea: some might argue that no Sunday trading was a way the church used to push Traditions and Commandments and that is it was in fact an old fashioned ideal and unhelpful. Well, as I see it, people are nowadays working nearly 24/7 – what has happened to the 40 hour working week? It could be argued that quality of life has lessened and is now shallower with Sunday trading. Keeping Sunday free of most shopping and allowing it to be a family day with more rest and relational activity would benefit society. (It’s interesting how the idea of Sabbath rest is not an old fashioned human tradition but rather one from scriptures, Sabbath rest is a gift to us from God).
Something to do: Make a list.
To Ponder and Pray: Faith beyond the church walls.
Ponder this – what is God saying to you right now? Sometimes I wonder if false humility is one of those things we use to stop us taking our faith beyond the church walls, eg. when God is saying ‘you can do such and such,’ (like speaking in public for example), we hold back saying to ourselves “because it’s not within a church context I will not speak”, and all the while God is saying “you have the wisdom for that situation – go for it”.
Dear Lord, help us to live our faith outside the church’s four walls.
So Lord, give us the words, give us the heart and let us share your good news.
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