Thursday, September 15, 2011

we work together

a verse or two:

"Saint Paul said “the one who plants and the one who waters work as a team with the same purpose...We work together as partners who belong to God”. 1Cor 3:8–9

A POEM: Our Fair

Our Fair date’s getting closer so we are on the prowl.
We hope you will give willingly with a smile and not a growl.
We all can do our little bit, with time or things to sell.
And if we all co-operate we know it will turn out well.
With plants or sweets and baking, a book pre-read with joy
Something for a while elephant, for craft or a pre-loved toy.
Some can donate ingredients. Others will set up or clean,
Making the tea, pikelets or “snags”.
Join forces and see what we mean.

Written by Annette Waters

Spiritual Walk and Musings: As per the poem.

One of the things I like about our fair is the way we all work together on the one thing. Normally during the year, week by week we all do so many different things...and they all add up to a big whole...but many of these things are in done isolation. You’d be amazed at the coming and goings at St. David's, cars parked there with people doing this or that—sometimes there is cross over but think of all the various groups and ministries within the church. There are a lot of people doing a lot of different this and that.

Of course weekly, on a Sunday, we come together to worship but many of the other things are not so corporate. I know the fair is hard work but I sense a good feeling of satisfaction among those involved. And it seems to me, even though it is hard work—people really do enjoy the being together, working together. So everyone, be encouraged and I hope you enjoy the church fair.
Something to do: As per the poem.

Find that stuff, bake those goodies, tell your neighbours.

To Ponder and Pray: As per the poem.

With a lot of folk coming through the hall, pray they see not just the stuff for sale but us. And pray that in seeing us they see Jesus Christ.

Pray our smiles are real and our eyes shine an acceptance and Godliness that is contagious. Pray that the little things we do to let people know who we are, where we worship, and what we do, pray they result in a harvest for the kingdom of God.

Most of pray that love is who we are, what we do and what is sensed.
God Bless

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